
Angelic Hospice Care Services

At Angelic we recognize that you are not your diagnosis. Our team of healthcare professionals customize a care plan to meet your individual medical, physical, emotional and spiritual needs and provide you with the most improved quality of life possible. Our services are provided to you wherever you call home. You do not have to be in a facility to receive hospice care.

Family and Caregiver Support

As a family member it is difficult to watch a loved one in declining health, and stressful to care for them around-the- clock. It becomes more challenging as the illness progresses, but with Angelic we are "by your side" as a safety net to support you. Our service also addresses the bereavement needs of family members for 13 months after the passing of the patient. Families value this support and we are honored to help them through this most difficult first year.

Comprehensive Care

The hospice team approach is unlike any other service. We recognize that a life-limiting illness impacts the family as well as the patient. At Angelic we are "by your side" with inclusive care and services for patients and their loved ones.

Our service also addresses the bereavement needs of family members for 13 months after the passing of the patient. Families value this support and we are honored to help them through this most difficult first year.

Call Us or Click Here to schedule your consultation.

Professional Support Resources

There are many challenges for those facing a life-limiting or a terminal diagnosis. Our team of professional Social Workers, Chaplains, Spiritual Care, and Bereavement Coordinators, and volunteers focuses on meeting the emotional and supportive needs of patients and their loved ones during times of stress, illness and death. Our one-on-one service offers compassionate listening and professional guidance by experienced, expert and caring staff.

Social Workers

  • Addresses questions regarding services.
  • Assists with making application for community resources, Veteran programs, financial assistance and other appropriate services and programs.
  • Makes arrangements for respite admissions.
  • Contacts community resources as needed.
  • Provides counseling and supportive services.

Spiritual Care

  • Collaborates with your chosen faith organization.
  • Addresses your questions about God, faith or other topics.
  • Help plan funerals and officiate them if needed.
  • Supports the emotional and spiritual needs of patient and loved ones.
  • Conducts support group activities.

Bereavement Services

  • Provides grief counseling.
  • Conducts support groups and other resources.
  • Checks on the bereaved with phone calls and visits.
  • Provides information on loss and healing
  • Offers bereavement support for 13 months following the death of a loved-one.
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Complementary & Alternative Therapies

Complementary Therapies in hospice add another layer of care and commitment to nurturing and embracing the whole person, mind, body and spirit. These therapies promote comfort, provide support, and have shown to increase quality of life, and increase overall feelings of wellbeing.

Hearing a song from the past can heighten awareness of a memory, or perhaps encourage physical movement. Gentle caring touch can provide comfort, improve circulation and can decrease pain. Aroma-therapy with essential oils can alleviate physical pain while the scent of something familiar or pleasant can evoke feelings happiness and ease the mind.

Massage and healing touch, aromatherapy, and music have been readily welcomed as aids to comfort physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs of patients as well as family members.

MUSIC THERAPY is a powerful medium. Music therapists work with patients to address their physical, emo-tional, cognitive, spiritual, and social needs through individualized treatments like creating music, singing, movement, and listening.

As a complementary hospice therapy, music can make a difference between social withdrawal and awareness, between isolation and interaction, and between chronic pain and comfort. Music therapy is more than a mu-sic activity. It assesses the strengths and needs of the patient and designs a plan of treatment that includes creating, singing, moving to, or listening to live, music that the patient may prefer.

Because music is non-threatening, enjoyable and enhances brain function, people of diverse ages, back-grounds and abilities can gain therapeutic benefits through its use. Offered to those at the end of life, music therapy is combined with other healing efforts to address physical, emotional, cognitive and social needs of hospice patients. As it is not appropriate for every patient, music therapy can be surprisingly effective with an otherwise unresponsive patient.

Music therapy interventions can be designed to: promote wellness, manage stress, alleviate pain, express feel-ings, enhance memory, improve communication, and promote physical rehabilitation.

MASSAGE THERAPY improves the quality of life for those in hospice. Recent studies have shown that massage therapy is one of the most frequently offered complementary therapies in hospice and palliative care. The quality of life for those in hospice is often compromised. Research has shown that massage therapy can provide comfort and relaxation as well as alleviate symptoms and conditions of pain, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, depression, mood disorders, stress, and nausea and fatigue.

HEALING TOUCH is based on the belief that vital energy flows through the human body. This energy is said to be balanced by practitioners who pass their hands over or gently touch, a patient's body.

The "M" technique is a soothing stroke full body technique that can be used with essential oils and is safe for frail patients. Family members can be easily taught the hand and foot technique using a prepared essential oil cream.

AROMATHERAPY uses essential oils to help improve and balance both emo-tional and physical ailments. The sense of smell is linked to the deepest parts of the brain governed by our basic instincts, thoughts and emotions. On a physical level, essential oils help to ease muscular aches and pains.

Improve circulation and ease sinus congestion. Clinical aromatherapy uses essential oils therapeutically to manage a plethora of symptoms such as pain, nausea, fear, anxiety and spiritual distress. They are administered by inhala-tion or topical administration according to their therapeutic properties such as anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, nerve pain or emotional pain.

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What We Provide

Coordination of care with your physician

Regular nursing visits by your RN case manager

Supplemental home health aides

Social work and spiritual care support

Medications related to your diagnosis

Medical equipment such as hospital bed, oxygen, walkers etc.

Personal care items such as incontinent supplies

Short-term respite care for caregiver relief

Various therapeutic treatments such as physical, massage and music therapies

Volunteer services

Bereavement support

24/7 phone support and emergency care

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